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Technologiepark Basel celebrates its role as a driver of innovation
The Technologiepark Basel will be ten years old in 2021. Over the past decade, it has supported many startups and facilitated the creation of new jobs. It will continue to do so in the future.

Technologiepark Basel celebrates its 10th anniversary (img: Technologiepark Basel, Malco Messerli Photography)
The Technologiepark Basel is an initiative launched by the economic development of the canton of Basel-Stadt, as a press release explains. Its aims were to encourage and support startups as they set up in Basel and to foster closer relationships with business and universities. This successful model is now being realized on an area of 6,700 sqm, having grown from its initial 1,400 sqm space.
The 32 startups currently located at Technologiepark Basel account for 90 percent utilization of the area. The selection process sets great store by innovations occurring on the ground and if these will create jobs within the canton of Basel-Stadt. The current 32 startups have around 230 employees overall.
Collaborations with partners in the region have also contributed to the success of the initiative so far. This approach will be further intensified in future. For example, with Basel Area Business & Innovation, the investment and innovation promotion agency, and its BaseLaunch accelerator and incubator for biotech startups. Given the positive results achieved so far, the Technologiepark’s goal for the coming years is to evolve but not expand.