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Artificial Intelligence in Health Conference

aiHealth2024 offers three sessions focused on the applications of artificial intelligence in health: AI for diagnostics, AI for therapeutics, and generative AI for digital twins in healthcare. Industry partners, clinicians and academics will have the opportunity to dialogue on the latest research, current needs, and future constellations to write the history of healthcare forwards with artificial intelligence.

The aiHealth2024 sessions on diagnostics, therapeutics, and citizen-care will feature insightful presentations to elucidate the latest findings from artificial intelligence applications in both traditional and digital medicine, investigate common challenges and promises, and explore their potential future merger into digital twins for health through engaging discussions. Reflecting the spirit of translational medicine and digital transformation, agile interactive 20-minute workshops will showcase on-screen emerging applications of AI addressing diagnostics, therapeutics and citizen health.

Please join us at aiHealth2024 for an immersive experience in medical innovation and quality, set against the beautiful landscape of Switzerland—complete with its chocolate delights.

Welcome to writing medical history forwards.