DayOne Health Hack 2021 – Kick-off (EN)

Do you want to explore new ways to innovate in digital healthcare, building the health ecosystem around the patient?
During our two-week virtual hackathon, patient champions, caregivers, software engineers, as well as healthcare innovators join forces to co-create tangible proof-of-concept solutions. The DayOne Health Hack is designed as a patient-centric innovation journey. It is the first of its kind in Switzerland, reaching out to patients who want to assume an active role in finding new, digital-driven solutions. During the hackathon, mentors and coaches will be present to help the teams.
The hackathon will start on Saturday 13th November early afternoon with a kick-off event, where the patient champions, the curated challenges, the hacking platform and the resources made available through our partners will be presented. A networking session will conclude the kick-off event giving participants the opportunity to engage in conversation before moving to the Health Hack platform to form the teams and to start some serious hacking. The hackathon will end on Sunday 28th November in the afternoon with the pitching of the results and awarding of the best projects.
Join the DayOne Health Hack now and help us solve real-world patient challenges.
Register now!
Welcome and introduction to Health Hack
Presentation of consortium partners
Lucas Scherdel, Director DayOne, Basel Area Business & Innovation
Patient champions and their challenges
Steve Bourke, EUPATI CH and Abhi Verma, Health Hacking Lab
Program and platform of the Hackathon
Giovanni Nisato, Innovation Horizons
Presentation of resources
Florian Georg, Microsoft
Presentation of resources
Sam Kruklis, Google
Presentation of awards and prizes and next steps
Lucas Scherdel, Director DayOne, Basel Area Business & Innovation
Networking, meet other participants
End of event,
continuation for participants on Health Hack platform
Participation is free, however registration is required before November 12, 2021