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3. Trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0 (EN/DE/FR)

You have to change everything so that nothing changes.

Many companies operate in an extremely dynamic environment. Customers expect their needs to be met quickly. To remain successful as an entrepreneur, it is becoming increasingly important to benefit from a networked environment. The Technology Circle Industry 4.0 is a great opportunity for us to exchange information and know-how. This meeting is a continuation of the Technology Circles of the past years.

Join our trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0.

Use data from internal and external transformation strategically

– Topic 1: Data management and business development – potential of predictive maintenance

– Topic 2: How AI (artificial intelligence) transforms the modern workplace and improves work processes

The third meeting will take place at the personal invitation of Basel Area Business & Innovation, CCI Alsace – Eurométropole, IHK Südlicher Oberrhein on 24.11.2020 as a video conference.




Albert Hilber, Manager Upper Rhine, Industrial Transformation and Sébastien Meunier, Industrial Transformation, Basel Area Business & Innovation


Fokusthema I: Datenmanagement und Business Development – Potenziale der Predictive Maintenance

Michael Kummer, Küffer Elektro-Technik AG

- Problemstellung industrielle Lösungen/Geschäftsmodell “Reparatur»
- Technologie, Sensoren, Cloud und Dashboards
- Eckpfeiler im neuen Geschäftsmodell
- Anwendungsbeispiel der Firma Wander, Bern

Vortrag auf Deutsch mit englischer Zusammenfassung
Presentation in German with English summary


Workshop: Data Management and Business Development - Potentials of Predictive Maintenance

Exchange in groups:
- How can we offer added value to customers with service and maintenance contracts?
- How high are the investments?
- Which business models work in the market?


Summary / Presentation

Presentation of the results of the workshop


Examples from Germany/France


Conference language: English

Workshop language: German, French, English


Participation in the event is free, but registration is required before 23.11.2020

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